
Pressemeddelelse fra Newcastle tirsdag aften

Af Redaktionen
28.04.2015 Kl. 17:25
Newcastle United har netop offentliggjort en pressemeddelelse, der piller pointerne ned fra en dokumentar om klubben på den engelske TV-kanal, Channel 4.   

The Secrets of Sports Direct. Det er titlen på den dokumentar, der blev sendt på engelsk fjernsyn i går. Dokumentaren fortæller blandt andet, hvordan fortjenester på trøjer og andet merchandise fra Newcastle United ender i kassen hos Sports Direct i stedet for til klubben.

Newcastle-ejer Mike Ashley er også en del af Sports Direct og derfor fik snakken på Channel 4 klubbens, i forvejen utilfredse fans, til at koge helt over. 

Nu afviser Newcastle United dog en række anklager og forklarer i pressemeddelelsen, at pressen lyver i programmet. 

– Gårsdagens udsendelse blev lavet på en upræcis beskyldning omkring det komercielle forhold imellem klubben og Sports Direct.

– Ifølge klubbens synspunkt, så har udbyderen bevidst forsøgt at skade Newcsatle Uniteds fans og har endnu engang givet et eksempel på dårlig journalistik, der kun gør det hele værre for fansene.

– De eneste penge, som klubben betaler til Sports Direct er for selve varene. Aftalen med Sports Direct er langt bedre og mere økonomisk lukrativ end de aftaler, der tidligere har været når det kommer til at købe – og opbevare merchandise, skriver Newcastle blandt andet. 

Pressemeddelelsen i sin fulde størrelse lyder således fra 

In reference to our statement last night (Monday, 27th April) regarding the Channel 4 'Dispatches' programme, The Secrets of Sports Direct, Newcastle United would like to clarify the facts for the benefit of supporters.

Last night's programme made a wholly inaccurate claim regarding the retail relationship between the Club and Sports Direct. 

In the Club's view, the broadcaster deliberately misled Newcastle United supporters and provided yet another example of erroneous media reporting which only serves to further antagonise fans.

In January 2014, in the minutes of its Fans Forum which are published online, the Club confirmed how the retail relationship with Sports Direct works.

For the purpose of clarity, we can reconfirm that 100 per cent of the income from goods bought in the Club's official stores and on its website are received by the Club and not Sports Direct, as the 'Dispatches' programme claimed.

The only money paid by the Club to Sports Direct is for the stock (at cost price), plus a handling fee. This represents far better value than the costs the Club historically incurred in relation to purchasing, storage and distribution.

In fact, the change to our retail operating structure introduced in February 2013, which saw us partner with Sports Direct, increased the profit margin by over 50 per cent. This benefits the Club hugely.

In simple terms, the Club receives more money as a result of this relationship.

Channel 4 failed to contact the Club in order to clarify any facts in relation to our retail operation.

Given that this information was already in the public domain, and had been for over 15 months, we find it incredible that the makers of an investigative current affairs programme chose to air information which was so obviously factually incorrect.

